Tuesday 25 August 2015

The incredible adventures of MissBenu - Going on an adventure

Hey ya!

If you follow me on Facebook you know that I'm traveling through Japan. I'm very exited and can't wait to see and experience a lot of different things :) also I can't wait to tell you what I've seen and experienced. So prepare for a loooong posting serie about Japan and stuff ^^

This one is about Pre Japan you could say ^^
We are six ladys and we decide to explore Japan together. We started to book the flights and the hotel in Tokyo itself. So we have one opertunitie to leave our big bagges there and travel for one week with the small luggage.

Yes, we will travel for one week trough Japan.

Here our plan ^^


Traveling to Tokyo and visit Asakusa and maybe going to Ikebukuro.

Taking the train to Kyoto, then walking around and maybe visiting the Fushimi Inari Shrine and/or Sanjūsangen-dō


Full Day in Kyoto. Visiting Arashiyama and 


Taking the train to Hiroshima. Visiting 
Heiwakinen Park and Miyajima Island


Okunoshima Bunny Island!


Taking train to Osaka.
Going to the Pokemone Center, visting the castle and go shopping.


Going to the Universal Studio or the Kaiyukan Aquarium.


Traveling to the lake Kawakuchi and check in to our small cottage. Going around the Kawakuchi Lake and maybe visiting the Suicide forest and the Onsen. If time also a short visit at the Fuji Q Highland Park


Return to Tokyo.
Stop by Fuji Q Highland Park and Ikebukuro doing some shopping and visiting cafés.
At night Kabukicho

Tokyo what we are doing is planed but we don't know what we do one which days

As you can see a lot of traveling and doing stuff packed in two weeks. I'm very excited and can't wait to be there, but also a little bit "scared" that I get a culture shock ^^' I mean it is a total different culture and they're have other behaves. But I will see and will let you know about it ^^

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