Wednesday, 16 December 2015

The incredible adventures of MissBenu - Sweet little killer bunnys and history

After Kyoto we got to Hiroshima ^^ BUT befor we got there we made a break at the Bunny Island also called as Okunoshima. We had to travel first by train and then with the ferry. When we arrived at the Island there was a bus standing there. He will drive you to the hotel and restaurants. The first bunnys we saw near the bus station. They scutter around and people feeded theme with vegtables, mostly salad and carrots. We decided to talk the bus to the hotel and started to explore from there. We first had to find a place where we could store our luggage, because the hotel hadn't a storage room. We decided to let the luggage behind a drink dispenser. Then I tried to capture some nice photos from sweet, little rabbits with my camera and my friends feeded the rabbits. After I made enought pictures I decided to feed the rabbits too. They nearly jumped in my shoulder bag 8,D 

Some historical facts about the Island because it isn't just some island. Actually between 1927 and 1929 was home of the chemical weapon facility who priduced over six kilotons of mustard and tear gas. This program was secret and was based on research that showed that the USA and Europe produced chemucal weapons. The island also was removed from some maps. You may ask yourself why exactly this Island. Well because  of its isolation, conducive to security and it was far away from Tokyo.

You may ask yourself but from where came the bunnys? Many rabbits were used in the cemical munitons plant to test the efficient of the chemical weapons. So you could think they just set them free whene the Plant was closed but they killed them.

Well the question isn't answered yet! Well...let me tell you why :) After World War 2 the island was developed as a park and many rabbits were intentionally set loose on the island. That's why so many rabbits live on the island.

On the evening we traveld to Hiroshima and checked in to the Hostel. Then we looked out for something to eat. On the next morning we traveled to the A-Dome. Befor the bomb hited Hiroshima it was a product exhibition hall. It was the only structure left standing near the bomb hypocenter. It was soon called the Genbaku (A-Bomb) Dome. The Dome became subject of controversy, because some people wanted to demolishe it and others wanted to let it stand as a memorial of the bombing and as a symbol of peace. 

After the A-Dome we walked to the Hiroshima Castle.
We walked directly in to a shrine and bought a temple book also a japaneas guy (think he worked at the shrine) showed us how the purification ritual should be done. It was very intressting and the guy was very helpful and nice.

And afterwords to the island Miyajima. There also live wild deers. It was very beautiful and in the evening there weren't a lot of tourists. So the whole island was calm and silence. I wish I could have stayed there for one night in one of these small hotels.

The next day was traveling to Osaka! No time to rest ^^'

Here a picture Suibui took. 

Friday, 11 December 2015

The incredible adventures of MissBenu - We like trains and Kyoto

I'm back from Japan and it was awsome but I'm also totally exhausted ^^. I don't recommand to do a round trip to Kyoto, Hiroshima and Osaka in one Week. You can't see as many as you wish and really often you fall asleep in the Shinkansen or are exhausted in the evening. But it was still awsome just trying.

So we arrived on the morning in Tokyo. Yay! We bought our Pasmo, a card where you can charge money for traveling with the train, subway and even pay with it at the selecta like  drinkes machine, and redeem our Railpass ^^ Thene we took the Train to Ueno and changed to the Asakusa Subway Line and drove until the Asakusa Station :) We walked to our Hostel. Actually we had to walk trough the area of the Senso-ji, an buddhist temple. It was a little bit hard with all our luggage but it was a very nice first impression of Japan :)

Monday, 5 October 2015

The ADD Serie - Things you should say!

A while ago I wrote about what you shouldn't say to an AD(H)D avected person and now it is time to show what you could say so we get a little boost ^^ Well there is something that you should have in mind when you talk to an ADHD person! If it has a slightly negative descent in your voice, no matter what you say (!), it will never get right to us. So if you want to say something nice, just say it if you really mean it like you say it.

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Living on the edge - How to save money

Because my income decreased during my futher education I had to shift the lifestyle I've incured.
So I started to analize where I need money and where it is pure luxury to spend it on.
That's why I start this serie "Living on the edge". I will describe how I saved money and will share my thought and experiments with you.

First of all I live in Switzerland. Everythin here is a little bit more expensive than somewhere else. So I was thinking about buy the expensive food and hygiene products in Germany. Why? Well hygiene products are around 1/3 or 1/2 of the price in Switzerland. But there are some problemes first how to get there...I don't have a car and with the public transport it is also expensive so I have to buy a lot that I can get the ticket price out. Another "porblem" is that I could invest the money in a swiss store so the people working there become enought money so they can life in switzerland too.

So i decided whene I visite my family who live near ther german boarder I will go and buy some stuff in germany like the hygiene products. So I can combine two things without extra costs. I would have visited my parents anyway so I could also go and buy some stuff there.

Monday, 28 September 2015

AnimagiC 2015

This post is all about what will come or at least what I haven't done at the Ani xD As you can see there aren't a lot of picture, because I had to realize that I'm still not besti with the hot temperature nor the sun 8"D so I just did two "shootings" and some "Don't jugde me because I'm a special Snowflack"-Picture xD
PinkiePeri as Star Guardian Lux
Source: League of Legends

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

The ADD Serie - How to life with it

First of all accept it and don't look at it as if it is a disease! Thats the key point to life with it and be happy. It isn't a disease. ADHD People just think and reakt in another way than a unaffected person would. We are mostly creative, open and full of joy. So whats the problem with it? Yeah maybe we have problem to focus on boring stuff and also react a little bit harder than others would do. But it is totally ok. Maybe don't wrip somones head of whene you are angry but you should stay your ground in a calm way.

Here some tips. They helped me in some harsh moments.

Thursday, 3 September 2015

The ADD Serie - Things you shouldn't say!

I really want to entrust you the following scentens you actually shouldn't say to an AD(H)D person. I also try to explain why you shouldn't say it. General because it hurts, but also sometimes it is frustrating for us. Yes, we know we sometimes can't do things like non AD(H)D person and we get angry about ourselfs because we simply can't do it. When someone is coming and says stuff like "It's not that hard." We feel sometimes like nobody actually want to understand us nor listen when we say something. Aside moste of the people wouldn't like it eighter to hear such things.

Thursday, 27 August 2015

Lola Bunny Shooting

Yeah it is a while ago but I wanted to present you another shooting set :D As you can read it in the title it is all about the beautiful Lola Bunny :D

Once upon a was a hot summer afternoon AshenSky and I decided to shoot her new Cosplay. So we headed to the basketball court. And that is one of the shoots I could get there.

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

The incredible adventures of MissBenu - Going on an adventure

Hey ya!

If you follow me on Facebook you know that I'm traveling through Japan. I'm very exited and can't wait to see and experience a lot of different things :) also I can't wait to tell you what I've seen and experienced. So prepare for a loooong posting serie about Japan and stuff ^^

This one is about Pre Japan you could say ^^

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

JapAniMangaNight 2015

I know, I know it's July and I'm uploading stuff from May „wink“-Emoticon But I can say it was worth it to wait „wink“-Emoticon

I couldn't manage to shoot a lot of people, actually I had 2 shootings at the JAN. BUT I actually can say I surpassed myself with these two Series :) 

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Scotland 2015

I really wanted to share my impressions about Scotland with you „smile“-Emoticon
So first of all it was a little bit chaotic, because we didn't planed a lot, because the weekend befor was JAN ^^'

But after all we managed to see a lot of things eventhought some we were missing thanky to our bad time scheduling 8D

Well what did we see „wink“-Emoticon The first day we were walking around in Edinburgh and we landed in I guess some sort of suburbs ^^' The next day we were going to the Pentland Hills, a regional park. The picture is one of some that I shoot there. The landscape is beautiful and a little bit fairy like xD I mean there was a small forest and the floor was covered with moss *-*

Another day we were going with the train to Inverness and wanted to visit the Loch Ness. Sadly we were arriving very late so we decided that we don't take the bus. Instead we were walking along the river Ness ^^' Sadly the weather begun to change and it started to rain and getting colder *bbrrr*

On our last day we were going back to Edinburgh and made a Whisky tour.
Next morning we were going back with the plan and when we landed in Switzerland we were going crazy xD 10°C in Scottland and 30°C in Switzerland and we were packed in clothes like it is near winter xD

Monday, 20 July 2015

The ADD Serie - How does it affect outsiders?

Last time I explained or at least tried to explain how ADD feels like and how it affects ourselfs. This time I really want to flip the coin and see how the unconcerned person is affected.
The post is for every one that stands near a AD(H)D Person like parents, partner or even close friends, but also for the concerned person it can be helpfull, so you actually can understand how hard it can be for others to understand.

One thing that can be is that the AD(H)D person is forgetting the time or even appointments. They don't do it because they don't care or don't like you they just forgott. If there is a important appointments please remind us to set up an reminder or just remind us ^^

Another thing is, because we have such a big issue on concentrait and focusing we often have to ask same stuff again and again, we are very sorry for that really!

One thing is also, that we have sometimes mood swings. And because we don't understand them, we get angry.

So for an outsider, who hasn't ADD it can be quit irritating. Because we look like we don't listen or/and aren't intressted. Also sometimes in one moment we are extreamly happy and full of joy and the next moment every thing sucks and we are sad. And sometimes we get angry and freak out. Then we can't controll ourselfs, we just see red. That can lead to just shouting aroung or cring or even (especially when it is a child) flail around. After we freaked out let us some time to cool down, especially whene we walk away. Normally we will regret what we sad or what we have done. But when the ADD person worked on him/her self the amount of "outbreaks" decrease and can get to nearly zero.

So in fact our behaviour affects and mystify 
the "outsider". We can be very nerve-racking, BUT also we can be very faithful, empathetic and it never gets boring aroung us ;)

Hope I could explain how the people without ADD feels like around ADD affected.  

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

The ADD Serie - How do it affect people concerned?

Hi again :)

Because it is really hard to explain how ADD affect people concerned
 I just will write what's coming in my mind. ^^

So I didn't eplained why AD(H)D people have problem with concentrate on thing. So here a explanation. 
Well you could say we have a damaged brain, but actually it isn' just works not the same way than others.  
The easiest way to explain it then is with a "filter" door. People without AD(H)D can close this door when there are unimportant information and open it for important stuff. A person with AD(H)D can't, the door don't exist it's just a doorframe and every single information can go throught. 

Monday, 13 July 2015

The ADD Serie - What is it?

Hello folk!

This Post Serie is something I really, really want to do, because on my way trough life I realized more and more how much ADD affected me and also my surrounding. So I will start a Serie about it, what it is and how it affects the person who has it and their surrounding. Also I would like to write what you never ever should say to a ADD person and how you should "behave" in different situations. Briefly what ADD is and the advantages and disadvantages.

First of all what is ADD?

ADD or ADHD is the abbreviation for Attention Devicit (Hyperactiv) Disorder. As you can see there are two different "types" of this Disorder. The one who isn't hyperactiv (harder to diagnose) and the one with. I can just speak for the ADD part, because I'm not hyperactiv. But the main characteristics are the same.

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Fantasy Basel 2015

In this post I will write something about the Fantasy Basel 2015.

The fantasy basel occurred for the first time from 14.May till 16.May in, well you can guess it ;), Basel. 
Fantasy Basel was something of everything and for the first time it was great. But they have to expand next year, because for the price it was a little bit to little. But they laid a pretty good base for next year!

I was curious, so I was there for all 3 days. As you can guess this three days were full with talking to friends and strangers, collecting impressions and taking picture…a lot of pictures ^^’.
      JuubeiChanXx as Leslie Withers                                           SHI0N Cosplay as PantySimon Redfield as Sebastian Castellanos                                     Source: Panty & Stocking
           Source: The Evil Within

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Fashion Shooting with SuiBui

I really wanted made a fashion shooting, so I asked a friend of mine if she would like to dress up and stand in front of the camera :D

It was very cold but also extreamly funny 8D as always with her :)

I tried to focus more on the beauty editing as I would usually do ^^
And I tried some black&white editing. I usualy don't like this kind of picture but I think it fits well.

You may ask yourself, why I don't like black&white pictures.
Well the reason is very trivial. I love when the pictures have a huge load of color so it looks like in a dream or in a fairy tale but also looks real.

I very often don't do a lot of retouch. The standart is some light beauty retouch (eliminate pimples, soften skin, eliminate flighing haires and sometime brightening the eyes, so that they pop a little bit out) and contrast and brightness adaptations.

Normally I would "rush" trough it, but this time I wanted to really focus on the beauty and the fashion. So it took me some time until the retouch was like I want it to be. The hardest part was the flighing hairs. XD They are everywhere and they are way thinner than when a person wears a wig. But it looks more natrual and healthy natrual hair is so beautiful *-*

She is a very talented and beautiful Cutie! Go and check her blog out, it is far better than mine 8,D

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Polymanga 2015

 My first time that I went to the biggest Anime/Manga Convention in Switzerland :)

This 4 days were amazing :) I meet a lot of people and also see some friends ^^ and of course I was walking around taking pictures :D
Actually I shoot like a mad head 8,D but well thats another story I guess ^^'
It was my first big convention, where I took photos that looks like something x,D

I traveled to Montreux with some strangers and one of my friends was coming later on the same day. So on the first day I was completle on my own 8'D
 I had enoutgh time to look around and ask some cosplayer if they would like to have a short shooting :D My favorit Cosplay were the Ork and the magician from the game "Shadow of mordor".

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Hetalia, Hetalia every where

My friend is such a huge hetalia fan, that she infected me with the "Hetalia-Virus" too 8'D.

The characters are all very sweet and cute and it is a nice "every day anime" x,D

On the day the shooting was talking place it was very beuatiful weather and very windy. But also pretty cold I guess ^^'

So the perfect weather to shoot two nordic characters. :P

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

The grafitti shoot

This post is about a shooting with some interessting background ^^.

I was walking home from the trainstation, because I took the wrong train I had to walk another way home.

And because of this lucky circumstance, I found a long bridge with alot of grafittis. Because I really like "Street-Art" I wanted to organize a shooting there.
No sooner said than done! I round up some friends and then we got out for a shoot. Of course it was January and bitter cold xD Well timing isn't always my strenght.

Because I wanted to combine the Cosplayer/Model and also the Street Art I had to experiment more than usuall. And the cold didn't helped, so after I guess about 30min we were going back to the train station. 

So I hadn't so much time to try out a lot and every thing has to be fast because the Cosplayer and also me were freezing and would be snow womans ;)

That you can check out the Cosplayer/Models here are the credits in the same order as the picutres are.
Iggy as Gothic Lolita

Asaliachan as Kentin
Source: Sweet Amoris

Suon Cosplay as Mizuki
Source: Dramatical Murder

If you want more pictures go visiting my Flickr or Facebook Page
I also have Instagram

Monday, 8 June 2015


Between the two lost place shootings we had another shot in Berlin :3 

We decided to go and visite the "Märchenbrunnen". It is a huge park with a fountain where normally some fairytale figure are standing, but because it was autoumn of course there weren't any of this figures to see =(

Monday, 1 June 2015

Hohenlychen Shooting

And again my blog becomes spooky

For today I have also something goulish and something wonderfull 8DAs I explained Surya and JuubeiChanXx asked me if I would like to go with them to Berlin and shoot at Beelitz and Hohenlychen, two top lost places! 

This post is about Hohenlychen. It is a little bit far away from Berlin and is off the beaten track. BUT it is very beautiful and has some dreamy atmosphere *-*

Friday, 27 March 2015

Samurai Girl Studio Shooting

Today I would like to talk about my first "Studio Shooting". I guess it sounds way better than calling it "home imporved shooting, cause weather was bad". 

I wanted to organise a shooting on a weekend, so I asked some of my friends. The day befor we should had meet the weather changed dramatically. It started to rain and was very windy. Because JuubeiChanXx was cosplaying Juubei Yagyuu from Samurai Girls we decided that the shooting should take place somewhere it isn't wet or cold.
And one hounted the other and we decided it would be the best if we would shoot in my home ^^ 

Friday, 20 March 2015

First Indie Cosplay meet up in Bern

This was my first cosplay meet up as a photographer :D

We meet us in Bern, the capital of Switzerland. After we waited about 30min we headed to the rose garden! It was very muggy but the sun was shining.

One of my friends asked if I could do a shooting with her and a friend. Of course, I said yes ^^

They were cosplaying Alois Trancy (Iggy Canziani) and Hannah Anafeloz (Alessandra Kämpfen) from the anime Black Butler. I have to admit that I never watched this anime either. But at least I have heard of it ^^ 

Friday, 13 March 2015

Happy Friday 13th

And another Friday 13th

For today I have something goulish xD

Surya and JuubeiChanXx asked me if I would like to go with them to Berlin and shoot at Beelitz and Hohenlychen, two top lost places! Of course I said yes :D

We we had done about 3 days fool of shooting. First at Fountain of Fairy Tales directly in Berlin with the theme SnK (Attack on Titan). Second at Hohenlychen Surya as some kind of murder Alice from Wonderland and JuubeiChanXx as Touka Kirishima from Tokyo Ghoul. The last one was in Beelitz and we went full Tokyo Ghoul x,D

I will split up the post, because three shootings are way to much for one post ^^'

So I will start with the last one in Beelitz. The spookiest on!   photo 2Scared.gif



We had to pay 50 Euro for the tour that we booked at go2know.
Everyone who sayes, it is waist of money you could easily go in. I call that bullsh*t! They have security and the doors are all looked and also the windows. Beside that, the go2know team do a very seriouse job by organise every thing. Also they were very nice and open! Asked what's that about, that Surya and JuubeiChanXx were dressed very special.
As we got to the meeting point we started to explore the location and started to shoot and tape a Cosplay Music Video.

It was a very nice and interesting day full of wonders an creepy stuff x,D

JuubeiChanXx as Ken Kaneki 
Surya as Rize Kamishiro
Source: Tokyo Ghoul

If you want more pictures go visiting my Flickr or Facebook Page
I also have Instagram!

Friday, 6 March 2015

Hamatora Shooting

This shooting was very spontaneous. This time with Asaliachan!

I wanted to shoot in a chineas garden, so Asaliachan an I went to Zürich.

She dressed up as Satou Nice from Hamatora. This outfit fits her very, very well *_* Sadly I never watched the anime so Asaliachan gave me a short summary. Yeah at this time I wasn't anymore so into animes. But that changed a little bit trough the last half year ^^

Friday, 27 February 2015

Tokyo Ghoul Shooting

My second Shooting was with JuubeiChanXx

This time it wasn't as spontaneous as the first one. Also I have learned that I should change my storage setting. So the camera also save the RAW Files.

What is this RAW?

Raw, as the name says, it is the format where the camera didn't do alot of compiling. So you could say it is a pure image. A JPEG has alot of information but also alot of information got lost by converting the shot. Whene you edit a picture (as for instance in Adobe Photoshope) the RAW image has alot of more detailed information and when you want to edit the dynamic there is a bigger range. It is like a negative. You can't actually upload the RAW file but you have alot of more information than in the finished image.

Also I got alittle bit more of a plan than the last time. We were heading to a lost building.

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Kumon and Japan Impact

On Saturday my friends and I were travelling to Leysin and Lausanne.

I had to get up on 6 o'clock in the morning..Jumping in to my new Cosplay, Daphne Black from Scooby Doo :)

And heading to the trainstation, where I meet my friends, Angela and Surya.

On 8 o'clock the train leaves and the journy beginns :D

We have to change the train two times until we got to lausanne. After we got to Lausanne we had to change the train once more for two times ^^

We got to the japanese school, Kumon, at about 12 o'clock.

The view was so beautiful <3 There was two buildings and alot to see. First we headed to the top of the first building. There was a flea market and a chamber of horror. Of course the two horror freaks wanted to go in the very dark course. Maybe you can imagen how easily I am scared. So we have to take of our shoes and wait a moment, so we don't run into the people in front of us...We got in and on the left side there was a bock where you should write your name in it. The door closed behind us and it was pitch-dark. Angela writed her name in the book. We walked, Angela in front, Surya in the middle and me the chicken-hearted at the tail, I will regreat this later x,D

Saturday, 14 February 2015

First cosplay shooting!

My first cosplay shooting with my own DLRS camera was on 12.September.2014.

It was a really spontaneous meet up with a friend of mine. I had some freetime and ask some people if they had time to do a shooting. My friend Jeff the Cosplayer just sayed that she got some sparetime, so we decided to meet us in Bern. I just grabed my camera and rush out to get the next train to Bern. ^^ 

After I arrived in Bern Jeff the Cosplayer just arrived with her school suitcase. So we traveled first to here home so she could get her Cosplay :) She wasn't sure which she should wear and then decided for Hades Saidoneus from the Anime "Kamigami No Asobi".

Saturday, 7 February 2015

How did I came to photogaphy?

I am really sorry that I didn't updated much since august...

In August I started to work full time, it was and is a time where alot of things changes for I really had not enought time to write a proper post for you all...but that will change, I promise ^^ I start to post more frequently and tell you more about my passion and where my life leads me . 

I started with Flickr and also made a own Facebook Page. So don't hesitate to follow me on this two pages ;)

Also I discovered an old passion called photography again ^^ Which makes me really happy :D

So now to the topic of this post...

How did I came to the passion "photography"?