Wednesday, 17 February 2016

The incredible adventures of MissBenu - Gotta catch 'em all

From Hiroshima to Osaka ^^

We first tried to find the "Pokemon Center" unfortunaly we got out on the wrong station ^^' Then we decided to first find the hotel and then look into the Center. So in Hiroshima three of us sleeped on tatami in Hiroshima and now everybody had to sleep like that. After we found the hotel we checked in and were heading to the Pokemon Center, who actually is just a big store with pokemon mercandies. 

It was in a really huge shopping center and the first floor was just sweet food. I nearly died in there 8"D also there was a "KitKat Chocolatory" where you could buy special/premium KitKats ^^ There were some with Ginger, Apple, Butter and other stuff. They tast special but actually I was a little bit disappointed. I was looking for the special KitKats (Bean Past and other crazy stuff) one of my friend bought, whene she was there but actually I didn't found them. But well they tasted good anyway 8D
Next we headed many, many floors up and then we saw the Store. It was hugh but also a little bit different than I imaginet it. 

BUT they had some really really cool stuff. I bought three buttons ^^ two for my friends Cuerography (The Bulbasaur one) and Azur Cosplayphotography (The Squirtle one) and one for me (The Charmander one) Also I bought for me a sleeping charamander plushy :)

After going full insane we decided to go to the big aquarium called Kaiyukan Aquarium. The main attraction where two whale sharke. They really look beautiful but it was very sad to see how small the pool was in comparisme with them :/

It was very intressting, but most of the stuff is written in Japanease. At the end of the aquarium "tour" you could touch rays and small sharks. I knew how a rays skin feels like, because I was swimming with some in the caribean sea but it actually was very funny to see how my fellow travelers were first scared and then suprised about how it feels. 

First day was nearly over so we decided to eat something and thene go home. On the next day we would go to the Universal Studio :D Actually I never been to Disneyland nor Universal Studio so I was so exited 8D I will sum up the day in picture, it is way easier than write all that down.


Next post will be about Tokyo itself :)

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