Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Polymanga 2015

 My first time that I went to the biggest Anime/Manga Convention in Switzerland :)

This 4 days were amazing :) I meet a lot of people and also see some friends ^^ and of course I was walking around taking pictures :D
Actually I shoot like a mad head 8,D but well thats another story I guess ^^'
It was my first big convention, where I took photos that looks like something x,D

I traveled to Montreux with some strangers and one of my friends was coming later on the same day. So on the first day I was completle on my own 8'D
 I had enoutgh time to look around and ask some cosplayer if they would like to have a short shooting :D My favorit Cosplay were the Ork and the magician from the game "Shadow of mordor".

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Hetalia, Hetalia every where

My friend is such a huge hetalia fan, that she infected me with the "Hetalia-Virus" too 8'D.

The characters are all very sweet and cute and it is a nice "every day anime" x,D

On the day the shooting was talking place it was very beuatiful weather and very windy. But also pretty cold I guess ^^'

So the perfect weather to shoot two nordic characters. :P

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

The grafitti shoot

This post is about a shooting with some interessting background ^^.

I was walking home from the trainstation, because I took the wrong train I had to walk another way home.

And because of this lucky circumstance, I found a long bridge with alot of grafittis. Because I really like "Street-Art" I wanted to organize a shooting there.
No sooner said than done! I round up some friends and then we got out for a shoot. Of course it was January and bitter cold xD Well timing isn't always my strenght.

Because I wanted to combine the Cosplayer/Model and also the Street Art I had to experiment more than usuall. And the cold didn't helped, so after I guess about 30min we were going back to the train station. 

So I hadn't so much time to try out a lot and every thing has to be fast because the Cosplayer and also me were freezing and would be snow womans ;)

That you can check out the Cosplayer/Models here are the credits in the same order as the picutres are.
Iggy as Gothic Lolita

Asaliachan as Kentin
Source: Sweet Amoris

Suon Cosplay as Mizuki
Source: Dramatical Murder

If you want more pictures go visiting my Flickr or Facebook Page
I also have Instagram

Monday, 8 June 2015


Between the two lost place shootings we had another shot in Berlin :3 

We decided to go and visite the "Märchenbrunnen". It is a huge park with a fountain where normally some fairytale figure are standing, but because it was autoumn of course there weren't any of this figures to see =(

Monday, 1 June 2015

Hohenlychen Shooting

And again my blog becomes spooky

For today I have also something goulish and something wonderfull 8DAs I explained Surya and JuubeiChanXx asked me if I would like to go with them to Berlin and shoot at Beelitz and Hohenlychen, two top lost places! 

This post is about Hohenlychen. It is a little bit far away from Berlin and is off the beaten track. BUT it is very beautiful and has some dreamy atmosphere *-*